Bourse Marc de Montalembert 2020
The 2020 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Gaëtan Soerensen, from France for his project “ WAFQ ”, the name of a traditional palestinian land tenure system. The project consists of a photographic testimony that the winner will collect about the traditional relationships which the Palestinian people continue to maintain with their lands despite their situations. The grant was due to be presented on the annual opening day of the Foundation in Rhodes on April 25, 2020. This event was cancelled due to the current situation with the pandemic.
Prix Marc de Montalembert 2020
The winner of the 2020 Marc de Montalembert Prize is Geoffrey Meyer-Fernandez, from France, PhD in art history from the Aix-Marseille University, for his research : « Between Orient and Occident : three churches painted by Greek families in Crete, in Cyprus and Rhodes (XIVe-XVe siècle) ».
Opening of the garden of the Foundation
On the occasion of the European Heritage Days and of the ten years of the association Rhodes International Culture & Heritage Society (RICHeS), the Foundation opened the doors of its garden to the public as one of fifteen sites of the medieval town of Rhodes. Some 1500 people of whom many families with children discovered and visited the garden – a great success. 28-29 September 2019
Prix Marc de Montalembert 2020
The call for applications for the Prix Marc de Montalembert 2020 is on the INHA’s website. Deadline for submission of applications 30 November 2019.
Annual opening of the Foundation
Annual opening of the Foundation in Rhodes and presentation of the 2019 Marc de Montalembert grant by Mrs Noomi Pavlidis, wife of the reknown cartoonist Vangelis Pavlidis (1943-2018), to Miyuka Schipfer for her project “Portrait de Méditerranée, cultures et croyances”. Maria Luisa Colli, winner of the 2018 grant, could not be present but she sent a message and a video presenting the results of her project “Le pescatrici del Mediterraneo : spazi e pratiche delle donne del mare”. 2 May 2019
Bourse Marc de Montalembert 2019
The 2019 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Miyuka Schipfer, from France for her project “Portrait de Méditerranée / Cultures et Croyances”. The winner is an artist who wishes to work from travels. Her project is to travel in the Near East to explore cultures and beliefs and then to share images and drawings in an artist book which will witness through her eyes the diversity of the cultures and beliefs which she will have come across.30 March 2019
Presentation of the 2018 Marc de Montalembert Prize
The 2018 Marc de Montalembert Prize was presented to Claire CAMBERLEIN, from France, for her research entitled “Reuse of the past in Greek antiquity. Study of memory phenomena at Rhodes and in the Dodecanese between the XVth and the Vth century before J.C.”. The Prize was presented by Professor Anne Jacquemin, emeritus professor of Greek history at the University of Strasbourg, at the seat of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris. On this occasion Elie ESSA KAS HANNA, from Syria, 2018 Marc de Montalembert Prize, delivered a lecture on the results of his research on “The monasteries on the smaller islands of Provence and the archipelagos of Liguria and Tuscany from late Antiquity to Middle Age”. 20 March 2019
Prix Marc de Montalembert 2019
For the tenth consecutive year the Marc de Montalembert Prize was granted by the Fondation Marc de Montalembert in association with the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA). The winner of the 2019 Marc de Montalembert Prize is Claire Camberlein, from France, PhD in archeology of the University of Strasbourg for her research “Reuse of the past in Greek antiquity. Study of memory phenomena at Rhodes and in the Dodecanese between the XVth and the Vth century before J.C.”. The Prize will be presented on March 20, 2019 at 11 a.m. at the Institut national d’histoire de l’art, in Paris. On this occasion Elie Kas Hanna, 2018 Marc de Montalembert Prize, will present the results of his research on “Monasteries in smaller islands of Provence and in ligurian and toscan archipelagos in late Antiquity to Middle Age”.
20 July 2018
The call for applications for the Prix Marc de Montalembert 2019 is on the INHA’s website. Deadline for submission of applications 30 November 2018.
25 April 2018
Annual opening of the Foundation in Rhodes and presentation of the 2018 Marc de Montalembert grant by Mr Luigi Marras, Ambassador of Italy in Greece, to Maria Luisa Colli, Italy, for her project “Le pescatrici del Mediterraneo : spazi e pratiche delle donne del mare” – about women involved in fishing in the Mediterranean. On that same occasion Marine Messina winner of the 2017 grant presented the results of her project “Mots pour maux” which aimed at transmitting the voice of isolated migrant children; she travelled to Cyprus, Greece, Turkey and Giordan to collect their story.
2018 Marc de Montalembert grant
The 2018 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Maria Luisa Colli from Italy for her project “Le pescatrici del Mediterraneo: spazi e pratiche delle donne del mare “. Aim of the project is to obtain better knowledge and understanding of the activities, experiences, the active role and organizations of fisherwomen in three Mediterranean seaside locations, in France and Libanon.
21 March 2018
The 2018 Marc de Montalembert Prize was presented to Elie ESSA KAS HANNA, from Syria, for his research on “The monasteries on the smaller islands of Provence and the archipelagos of Liguria and Tuscany from late Antiquity to Middle Age”. Professor Philippe Pergola, head of research at CNRS Marseille presented the Prize at the seat of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris. On this occasion Mathieu Beaud, 2017 Marc de Montalembert Prize, delivered a lecture on his research entitled “"Visual culture" and "civic religion" : the face of the dome and of the San Zeno basilica in Verona“.
31 January 2018
The winner of the Marc de Montalembert 2018 Prize is Elie Essa Kas Hanna from Syria, PhD in archeology of the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archeology of Rome for his research on « Monasteries in smaller islands of Provence and in ligurian and toscan archipelagos ». The Prize will be presented in Paris on March 21, 2018 at 11 a.m. at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.
The Foundation supports the Project “Ani-Mate & Meet the Other”
The Foundation provides financial support to the extension of the “Ani-Mate & Meet the Other” project over the 2017 summer period for the benefit of Syrian refugee children on the island of Rhodes, in Greece. Informal education, arts and culture are used to create solidarity among the local community and refugee children. At the same time, the initiative helps to enroll refugee children in Greek schools and thereby contributes to their integration. The project will continue during the summer period its activities for the benefit of children from Syrian refugee families with the involvement of some Greek children. The project’ activities consist of music lessons, music and singing workshops, photography, film projections, etc. Young local volunteers are in charge of the activities. 01-07-2017
25 April 2017
Annual opening of the Foundation in Rhodes and presentation of the 2017 Marc de Montalembert grant by Mr Moiffak Hassan to Marine Messina for her project “Mots pour maux, paroles de réfugiés“. In occasion of this annual opening day an exhibition entitled “A journey of life and hope from Siria to Rhodes” is being presented at the Foundation: its presents a number of wood pieces from ship wreckages collected on the see shore and turned into objects-lamps.
23 March 2017
The 2017 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Marine Messina from France for her project “Mots pour maux, paroles de réfugiés“. Aim of the project is to give a voice to migrants, especially to the voiceless unaccompanied minors who undertook the journey alone: listen to their stories in order to tell them better. These stories will then be the subject of a written work.
20 March 2017
At the seat of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) in Paris Professor Daniel Russo from the Université de Bourgogne presented the Marc de Montalembert 2017 Prize to Mathieu Beaud, France, for his research “”Urban iconography and scenography : “visual culture” and “civic religion” in Verona in the XIIth century“. On this occasion Dominique Barcat, Marc de Montalembert 2016 Prize, delivered a lecture entitled “Un regard égyptien sur la Méditerranée au Ier millénaire avant J.-C. : bilan d’une année de recherches“.
11 February 2017
The winner of the Marc de Montalembert 2017 Prize is Mathieu Beaud from France, PhD in history of medieval art for his research on « Urban iconography and scenography: “visual culture” and “civic religion” in Verona in the XIIth century ». The Prize will be presented on March 20, 2017 in Paris at the Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art.
17 October 2016
From 17 to 21 October, 2016 at the Foundation in Rhodes a second seminar on “Archeology and the Bible” was led by PP. Jean Baptiste Humbert, archeologist, and Jean Michel de Tarragon, specialist of the Bible and historian of religions, from the Ecole Biblique de Jérusalem. The subject of the seminar was mainly on the current state of archeological investigations and the understanding of the story of the Middle East during the first millennium before J.C. and of the development of the Bible and its roots in the historical Middle East. A group of twenty persons of different nationalities and religious orientations participated.
28 July 2016
The call for applications for the Prix Marc de Montalembert 2017 is on the INHA’s website. Deadline for submission of applications 30 November 2016.