Prix Marc de Montalembert 2020

The winner of the 2020 Marc de Montalembert Prize is Geoffrey Meyer-Fernandez, from France, PhD in art history from the Aix-Marseille University, for his research : « Between Orient and Occident : three churches painted by Greek families in Crete, in Cyprus and Rhodes (XIVe-XVe siècle) ».

Prix Marc de Montalembert 20202020-04-16T12:23:06+02:00

Bourse Marc de Montalembert 2019

The 2019 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Miyuka Schipfer, from France for her project “Portrait de Méditerranée / Cultures et Croyances”. The winner [...]

Bourse Marc de Montalembert 20192019-04-01T17:16:35+02:00

20 July 2018

The call for applications for the Prix Marc de Montalembert 2019 is on the INHA’s website. Deadline for submission of applications [...]

20 July 20182018-07-31T12:44:39+02:00

25 April 2018

Annual opening of the Foundation in Rhodes and presentation of the 2018 Marc de Montalembert grant by Mr Luigi Marras, Ambassador of [...]

25 April 20182018-06-27T02:55:32+02:00

2018 Marc de Montalembert grant

The 2018 Marc de Montalembert grant is awarded to Maria Luisa Colli from Italy for her project “Le pescatrici del Mediterraneo: spazi e pratiche delle donne [...]

2018 Marc de Montalembert grant2018-04-06T19:02:58+02:00
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